
This website is outdated!. ACTS documentation has moved to ReadTheDocs at:

Administrator's corner

This section gives useful information to the administrators of the Acts project. For normal developers the sections below are irrelevant.

Make a new Acts release

In order to release a new version of Acts the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Check out all open issues and MRs associated with the milestone that you want to tag here.
  2. Merge master into the release branch.
  3. In that branch, change the content of the file version_number at the repository root to the new version X.Y.Z and commit.
  4. Pushing this commit to the remote repository should trigger a CI build. Make sure that everything compiles without any warnings and all tests look fine.
  5. Create a new annotated tag locally. The tag should have the format vX.YY.ZZ and an associated tag message 'version vX.YY.ZZ' and should point to the commit created in step 3.
  6. Push the tag to the remote repository. This should trigger a CI job which rebuilds to documentation and deploys it to the Acts webpage. Make sure that the new release appears under the Releases section on the Acts webpage.
  7. If there is not yet a milestone for the next release, create it in Gitlab (e.g. if 1.23.02 was just released, a milestone version 1.23.03 should exist for the next minor release for bug fixes).
  8. Check that the release notes appear on the release's page on GitLab under: https://gitlab.cern.ch/acts/acts-core/tags/vX.YY.ZZ after the post-merge CI jobs have completed.