
This website is outdated!. ACTS documentation has moved to ReadTheDocs at:


Technical integration

In order to use Acts in your project, you need to integrate it in your build. Currently, only CMake-based builds are supported.

Customizing Acts

Acts can be customized in several ways in order to allow seamless integration in the experiment software.

Screen output logging

A default screen logging system is integrated in Acts, but can be replaced with the experiment's logging system.

Plugins at compile time

Several implementation details of Acts can be reconfigured at compile time. These are header-only files that exchange the default implementations of Acts.

Change of parameter definition

This can be done by providing the different parameter definition file and declaring it as


TODO: Write a CI test for this

Change of Identifier class

The Identifier class can be exchanged by declaring:


TODO: Write a CI test for this, together with Identifier change

Interfacing with magnetic field

The magnetic field integration is done using a concept implementation that is designed for field cell caching. The propagation modules take the magnetic field as a template argument, hence providing the correct concept guarantess compatibility with Acts.

System of Units

Acts uses a set of system of units and its interanl code tries to minimise unit conversions, however, when converting into the Acts data model, this should be done using the Acts units

Internally, Acts uses a set of SI2Nat<> template funtion to free the code from conversion constants.

/// @brief physical quantities for selecting right conversion function

/// @cond
template <Quantity>
SI2Nat(const double);

template <Quantity>
Nat2SI(const double);

TODO: Write a unit test for this, investigate if we can do this as a PLUGIN as well


Acts does not come with a dedicated configuration system to bind to any experiments software. Instead, a simple decision has been taken to equip every configurable component of Acts with a nested Config struct.

This struct object is used to construct the corresponding Acts tool, e.g.

class CylinderVolumeBuilder : public ITrackingVolumeBuilder
  /// @struct Config
  /// Nested configuration struct for this CylinderVolumeBuilder
  struct Config
    /// the trackign volume helper for construction
    std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeHelper> trackingVolumeHelper = nullptr;
    /// the string based indenfication
    std::string volumeName = "";
    /// The dimensions of the manually created world
    std::vector<double> volumeDimension = {};
    /// the world material
    std::shared_ptr<const Material> volumeMaterial = nullptr;
    /// build the volume to the beam line
    bool buildToRadiusZero = false;
    /// needed to build layers within the volume
    std::shared_ptr<const ILayerBuilder> layerBuilder = nullptr;
    /// the envelope covering the potential layers rMin, rMax
    std::pair<double, double> layerEnvelopeR
        = {1. * Acts::units::_mm, 1. * Acts::units::_mm};
    /// the envelope covering the potential layers inner/outer
    double layerEnvelopeZ = 10. * Acts::units::_mm;
    /// the volume signature
    int volumeSignature = -1;

To configure Acts tools, thus, one has to guarantee that necessary configuration parameters are forwarded through the framework configuration mechanism.