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Using Acts from Athena

First steps have been taken towards use Acts inside Athena. The current goal is to demonstrate that the Acts geometry design can accomodate current and future ATLAS tracking geometries without requiring dedicated modifications in the library. This means building an Acts::TrackingGeometry, which contains a hierarchy of TrackingVolumes. These, in turn, encompass layers of detector elements. Having done this, Acts can be used to propagate particles through the geometry. This allows the testing of the navigation that is required to follow a particle trajectory through the detector.

Since Acts is designed to be configurable, the construction of the layer structure is delegated to a LayerBuilder utility object. A LayerBuilder object, that is aware of Athena and the way the detector geometry is acessible within it, can provide Acts with all the information that is needed to construct the tracking geometry.

Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator::Config sacCfg;
sacCfg.surfaceMatcher = matcher; // <- allows injection of Identifier info

auto surfaceArrayCreator = std::make_shared<Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
Acts::getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", Acts::Logging::VERBOSE));

// ...

GeoModelLayerBuilder::Config cfg;
// layer builder gets the detector manager
cfg.mng = static_cast<const InDetDD::SiDetectorManager*>(manager);
gmLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const GMLB>(cfg,
Acts::getDefaultLogger("GMLayBldr", Acts::Logging::VERBOSE));

Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder::Config cvbConfig;
cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {0, 0};
cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeZ       = 2;
cvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = cvh;
// ...
cvbConfig.layerBuilder         = gmLayerBuilder;

Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder::Config tgbConfig;
tgbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper   = cylinderVolumeHelper;
tgbConfig.trackingVolumeBuilders = volumeBuilders;
auto trackingGeometryBuilder
  = std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder>(tgbConfig);

std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry 
  = trackingGeometryBuilder->trackingGeometry();

Tracking surfaces in Acts are coupled to a detector element object, which needs to fulfill a certain interface. A dedicated detector element class, which can wrap an ATLAS detector element object, was written. At this point, the class tries to abstract away some differences between detector elements from the different ATLAS subdetectors, which are irrelevant to Acts and allow the LayerBuilder to be less verbose. The detector identification helpers are an example for this. The detector element needs to provide a transform which describes the transition into the local reference frame of it's active surface. In this case, the transform is stored as a pointer and returned as a const reference when requested. This should in principle allow for changes of the transforms transparently to Acts. This would be helpful as an initial approach to support handling of alignment, since no dedicated infrastructure for alignment is in place within Acts.

Current ATLAS Inner Detector

The detector managers allow access to all the detector elements. The layer builder loops over all elements and wraps them into a Acts detector element. Subsequently, the identifiers attached to the detector elements allow figuring out which detector part and layer the elements belong to. The elements are thus collected into buckets for each layer in each component. The elements are then handed over to the LayerCreator utility, which is part of the Acts core, and is versatile enough to handle ATLAS geometries. Identifier information can be injected into the LayerCreator, which allows determining layer size and binning automatically.

In the case of the TRT, the layer builder currently uses the TRT_Numerology to figure out the number of layers without looping over elements. The detector manager provides a method which allows access to detector elements based on the indices returned by TRT_Numerology. As of now, every straw is translated into a detector element in Acts. The endcaps are built as 160 separate disc layers containing one layer of straws. In the barrel, there is one layer per barrel ring. The binning is not optimal at this point, an arbitrary \(\phi\) binning should work reasonably well.


With some modifications, the layer builder can build the ITk geometry in 20.20. One adjustment is the fact that the meaning of the identifier parts eta_module and layer_disk changed for the Pixel endcaps. In the ID, layer_disk enumerates the endcap themselves, while eta_module enumerates the rings in \(r\). In 20.20, eta_module enumerates the \(z\)-position of rings, while layer_disk enumerates the rings in \(r\). A problem arises here, because eta_module now only enumerates rings present in a given eta_module. This way, the identifier cannot be used which elements belong to the same layer (in the Acts sense).


Currently, the tracking geometry is built from inside one algorithm. The particle propagation loop also runs within the algorithm. This will need to be reworked, so that access to the Acts tracking geometry is available in a reusable way.